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Benka Pulko on State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana (Slovenia), 11. october 2006
The State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia lists on their official web site, among other information, the most amazing facts about Slovenia and Slovenes. Under the heading "Did you know..." they describe stunning facts, list outstanding national achievements and depict the most remarkable people of the nation.

Among those with noticeable contributions to the nation's identity are the greatest Slovenian poet, France Preseren; the writer of the first Slovene book, Primoz Trubar; the first Slovenian pilot, Edvard Rusjan; the great composer and famous violinist, Giuseppe Tartini; Slovenian mathematician Baron Jurij Vega (who published logarithmic tables that were translated into almost all world languages); Olympic gold medal rifleman Rajmond Debevc, as well as soldier and engineer Herman Potocnik - today considered one of the founders of astronautics.

In addition to this list of remarkable people from Slovene history is a section listing Benka Pulko's hard work and achievements.

Check out the State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia here.


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