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The Journey


What People Say

  • What People Say"We wish you a successful return home! Enjoy the rest, comfort, and company of your family and friends. You deserve it. You accomplished an amazing feat!" Chris & Erin Ratay, World Travelers and Guinness Record Holders 
  • "I found your journey to be inspirational. I am a young photojournalist about to start documenting small towns in my home province of Saskatchewan. I was thinking of doing it on a BMW but after seeing your website, I know I must!!!" Dirk
  • "Hey, congratulations on your accomplishments! I have been following your ride for a while now. My wife rides also, but has not done much off-road. We are looking at the F650 for her also. You have done an amazing thing, and I think it will inspire people everywhere. The new website looks great. Good Riding." Keith
  • "My girlfriend and I both ride, and she is interested in the F650, thats how I found your site. We are in Ottawa, Canada; and I spent about 8 months working for NEK in Krsko. Loved Slovenia, would go back in a second. When will your book be available in English?" Gerald
  • "The idea to travel the world came when a friend told me to check out Benka Pulko's website. I started by looking at Benka's website, and that just made me want to do it more. I emailed Benka and ask her how to go about planning her adventure. Pulko's advice? Just pack your bike and go! So I did it." (You can read more about that here.) Doris Maron
  • "You are my inspiration, Benka. Thanks a lot!" PeaceHiker.com
  • "I looked at your wonderful pictures. You are truely an amazing woman! What an experience you have had. I will await your book in the United States as well as any speaking tours. Thank you for sharing!" Howard
  • "Bravo Benka, I'm proud of you, you're a wonderfull woman. I dream I would do half of your experience and I would be proud of me. You have great ambition and you prove to everyone that everything can be made. I'm 57 years old and I wish I could realize my dream, the Grand Canyon with my new HD. I had cancer and I want to realize my precious dream....The year will tell." Dyane
  • What People Say"I learned about you in the August 2003 MOA magazine. I've wanted to say hello for some time now and tell you that I think your journey was amazing and inspirational. I can't wait to read your book and take that journey with you through your pen and camera. I applaud your courage, your beauty, and your comitment to enjoy life, and your ability to recognize your potential to wonder, wander, learn, live and love in this beautiful world we have. I think that if there were more people like you, our world would be a warmer place. I think that if the media reported more achievements like yours, others would follow in your example and helplessness wouldn't rain so hard on society and more would chose your path of discovery. Well done Benka! I wish you continued success in your life's Journey! Thank you for your contribution to our world!" Don
  • "I want to congratulate you on your sense of adventure. It is pretty damn extraordinary, what you did. I'm a Canadian biologist self-exiled in California. I started riding last year. I ride a 2003 F650G. It's always been a dream of mine to learn to ride and now I'm so proud that I'm riding. Way to go." Julie
  • "Meeting Benka was definitely an unforgettable experience. It now seems that we were destined to meet. The impression that she left on me will never fade away, a truly remarkable lady. Because she was so sociable and friendly, we became new 'old friends' within a few minutes. It was a pity that the acquaintance was only for a few days but she has promised us to come to Iran again." Ahmad
  • "You are my newest hero. Your coffee table book will be on my coffee table real soon :) Best Regards." Victor
  • "Nice job and congratulations, you make all motorcycle riders proud." Glen
  • "Dear Benka, your journey is an inspiration to me. When I am older I want to do what you did. Thank you for sharing your story." Elizabeth
  • "I searched the information on the ride around the world and I found your site. AMAZING!!! I'm almost 30 and I want to celebrate my next birthday traveling around the world. You are my inspiration!" Nok
  • "I have always admired your energy! You are full of surprise. Your new project is fantastic. Congratulation!" Mitja
  • "Just a line to say thanks for inspiring me to travel from LA to Buenos Aires on my GS 650. You are one of my heroes and I hope I'll have a chance to meet you some day. Maybe in my European tour next year." Martin
  • "I was just going through some of your website - your travels look fantastic - and your stories would be such a huge motivation for anyone interested in doing... anything!" Drew
  • "Couldn't believe what I read about your trip on F650.com. Are you really real?" Stephen
  • "Congratulations!!!!! I have to admit, you are a though cookie! Surely, it would be very difficult to match your achievements. You are one of the pioneers!" Mariola Cichon
  • "You are amazing. What a feat and run for humanity. Keep up your good work and we'll try to live up to your standards." Joe
  • "Life for us (the whole family) would not have been the same without our Benka! We loved every moment of her visit! The Snoopy, the candles in our ears (fire and all), the bra shopping, the riding, the photos of bikes in the woods, the bungi, the Slovenian cake she baked, the late nights waiting for her to come home from dancing classes, the chatting in the kitchen until early morning and then having to work the next day... How can I ever forget? Love you babe, come back again!" Mandy
  • "Last week visiting Ljubljana I saw your photo exibition at City Hall. I am impressed by your great work. Go on with your wonderful work!" Ricardo
  • "After we met in Addis, what I observed was your determination, devotion and self confidence as well as eagerness to move forward and to know the world better, which is very encouraging. I keep remembering and loving you since people like you are very rare, who want to show the way to the others and inspire. Your Ethiopian friend." Tekle
  • "I just read about your journey and just wanted to say you truly captured the Human Spirit. You never gave up your dream, no matter who or what stood in your way. And even though the journey was difficult at times, you still made the effort to write your story. Plus you took some great pictures to share with the world. I thank you for that." George
  • "I read about your trip around the world and want to say it is absolutely great!!!! The world needs more brave ladies like you!" Uschi
  • "I think what you did was great. It has always been a fantasy of mine to do the same thing but something always kept me grounded, probably fear of the unknown. After reading your story those old fantasies are coming back with a vengence, and I'm thinking I'm going to have to go for it within the next few years, even though a lot of places in the world aren't exactly crazy about Americans. That's all right though, it's something that's got to be done. I don't want to be an old man some day wishing I had done it. You truly are an inspiration. And a beautiful one at that. Thank you for sharing your story with us." Ronnie
  • "I don't find the words to express what I feel after discovering your site. It's amazing! You are great inspiration for all of us motorcycle travellers.Thank you so much!" Francisco Oliveira


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